TILTS kickstarter – home stretch (last few days!)

January 06, 2012

We’re officially in the home stretch now with just 4 days left to go on the TILTS Kickstarter campaign!

I’ve got to be honest, my OCD is gonna have a slight conniption if we don’t reach that smooth 3k mark (we’re roughly a hundred bucks away)! Its partly an even-number thing, and its partly a “costs covered” kind of thing, as we’ll be able to pay for the vinyl pressing up front in full if we hit that 3k mark. T-shirts, hoodies and all the other cool non-music extras will be stuff we’ll still be forking out for, but the whole point of this wild project was to see if we could get this LP pressed in full through Kickstarter funding.

If you’re willing to help spread the word, even just a quick Facebook or Twitter post, maybe on another forum you post on or your blog… please know, it’d actually be genuinely appreciated. This Kickstarter campaign really would not have worked out without kind folks (and the press) spreading the word, saying kind things on their blog and elsewhere… it means so much to us at the label and the band as well. We’re all VERY excited to get the finished LPs, which are in the initial stages of production already :)

THANK YOU to everyone and anyone who’s helped contribute to this project in any way, be it pledging for the album, talking trash on a message board, just listening to and enjoying the tunes… or any other way you may have interacted with this crazy thing.

Thanks again, peace!

-Team Robo


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